Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Busy Week

So the beginning of last week Kyler told me that his tooth had been hurting. Medicine didn't really help it feel better so he called Scott and Rachelle (his Uncle and Aunt in Vegas) to see when he could go down to get it fixed. He ended up leaving Wednesday night around 7:30.... without me.... I had to work so he dropped me off at my parents and started out. I would have driven the Jeep to my parents, but I couldn't reach the pedals. How lame is that! I was all excited to drive it too. I think I might go buy some of those chunky flip flops so that I can reach them. Kyler thought that was funny. Turns out that this was our first night apart since we got married! :( I was pretty sad. He got there around 3:00 in the morning and then went into the office around 10:00. He had to get a root canal done so once they finished that he took a nap and then started home (around 6:30) He got to my parents around 2:00 Friday morning. Yay! He was proud to say he started on a full tank of gas before leaving Vegas and had 1/4 tank left when we got home. (I have to mention that the needle was above the line)
(pardon the dust)

And it was Traci's Birthday... So we went to the drive in Friday night to watch GI Joe. It was the first time we've been all summer!! We took the Jeep. It was sweet! We folded the front seats forward and folded the windshield down and it was perfect. Maybe next time we'll bring a few more blankets. We do need to figure out a way to make it so we don't cover the speakers though. They were right under our seats. We made it work. The next night Bubba threw Traci a surprise birthday party. We had a BBQ and hung out. We had a lot of fun. Thanks for the invite!! & Happy Birthday Traci!!!

Speaking of Birthday's, We are excited to announce the arrival of two new Nieces! Lily Jane and Madison Jean. Super Cute. Now we have three new babies in our family and one more on the way! He should be here soon but hopefully not too soon. Here's some pics of all of them!

Jacob David

Madison Jean

Lily Jane

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